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Blog Design of Weprofit

Weprofit is the B2B marketplace for software development. You can hire curated and vetted development companies and bid on world class projects.

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Design Specs



Polysans Median


Polysans Neutral

Type Font Size ( In Pixels ) Weight Line Spacing ( In Pixels )
H1 - - -
H2 - - -
H3 - - -
H4 56 - -
H5 - - -
H6 - - -
Paragraph 20 - -






Link Hover


Article Hero

Weprofit's article hero is huge. It utilizes all the design real estate. The title is left aligned, and below that category, author info and social share buttons are featured.

On the right, there's a stock photo used as a featured image.

Article Body

The font colors are consistent with the brand and the same color (532980) is used for headings as well as paragraphs.

Thought the text is legible, a huge side bar on the right that shows related articles seems highly distracting. 

Blog Imagery

Featured Image

They use stock photos for featured images.

In-content Images

We scoured every blog article but couldn't find any images used within the content.

What We Like

The only thing that's good about their blog is the Hero section.

It's simple, bold, and loud. And it really stands out from other blog hero section designs.